The 15th Bryan Warren School of Pathology

Head and neck pathology

5 November 2022

Online event

BDIAP logo and ABMS logo


Dear colleagues and friends,

It gives us great pleasure to announce the 15th Bryan Warren School of Pathology, to be held on November 5, 2022 (online). The British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP) and the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are jointly organizing the school.

The main topic of the school will be Head and Neck Pathology. The lecturers are two renowned histopathologists: Dr. Ann Sandison (Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Hon. Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s College London) and Dr. Selvam Thavaraj (Honorary Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s
College London).

The aim of the course is to cover the main topics in head and neck pathology and to address practical issues, particularly those relevant to junior pathology residents and clinicians.

We sincerely hope that the School will meet your expectations and this will certainly depend on your active participation.

On behalf of the local organizers,

Semir Vranic, MD, PhD
Faruk Skenderi, MD, PhD
Association of Basic Medical Sciences of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ann Sandison

Dr. Ann Sandison, Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Hon. Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s College London

Selvam Thavaraj

Dr. Selvam Thavaraj, Honorary Consultant in Head and Neck Pathology at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation, Senior Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, King’s College London


Semir Vranić, M.D., Ph.D.
Faruk Skenderi, M.D., Ph.D.


Early registration: until September 30, 2022.

  • Specialists/Consultants: 75 EUR
  • Residents/Trainees: 50 EUR
  • Students: 25 EUR

Late registration: until October 30, 2022. November 2, 2022.

  • Specialists/Consultants: 100 EUR
  • Residents/Trainees: 75 EUR
  • Students: 25 EUR


Time (CET) Topic
9.00 Opening and introduction
9.30 Macroscopic handling of head & neck resection specimens
10.15 HPV testing in head & neck cancer – why, how and when
12.00 Break
12.15 Odontogenic cysts and tumors
13.15 Lunch (Sponsors)
13.45 Differential diagnosis of neck cysts
14.15 Bone and fibro-osseous lesions of the head and neck
14.45 Mesenchymal tumors of the larynx
15.15 Break
15.30 Tumors and other lesions of the ear
15.45 Overview and update of salivary and sinonasal pathology
16.30 Challenging cases in head and neck pathology
18.15 Live Q&A